Windows Post Installation

My standardized procedure in Windows post installation

This is my standardized procedure in Windows post installation.

  1. Adjust time zone.
  2. Adjust region format.
  3. Adjust NTP to the nearest server.
  4. Turn off “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” in virtual memory.
  5. Turn on Data Execution Prevention (DEP) for all programs and services except those I select.
  6. Turn on System Restore and allocate around 10%.
  7. Change OS drive name.
  8. Change computer name.
  9. Set Windows Update Delivery Optimization to “PCs on my local network, and PCs on the Internet.”
  10. Change Windows Update active hours to 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM.
  11. Turn off Xbox Game Bar.
  12. Check for updates and install updates in Windows Updates.
  13. Install updated drivers since sometimes Windows Updates installs outdated drivers.
  14. Install programs.
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Last updated on March 04, 2024 10:09:00 PM +0800
By Shawn M.
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy